Pick & Place & Multifunctional Assembly Systems

SMT Assembly

Essemtec- SMT Assembly
Designed for even more product changes per day, an even larger component spectrum, increasing demands on placement accuracy, speed and availability, combined with high quality - naturally adaptive - mechanical engineering. The highest number of feeders per square meter on the market, intelligent setup concepts, the largest possible PCB dimensions with compact system dimensions and the Falcon software based on "eez technology" ensure highly efficient and economical SMD production for service providers and in-house production.
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Flexible Modular SMT Assembly Solutions, Aimed At High Mix Low Volume Production


Combined Processes

High-performance loading and dosing in one pass. 1, 2 or 4 placement axes Plus 1-2 dispensing processes 



Optimally 18,1000 cph, up to 54,300 cph in a line. Optimal 145,000 dots/hours (with piezo jet valve)


Small Footprint

Up to 280 feeder lanes on 2m2 and PCB size 560 x 610mm, optionally 1800 x 610mm


Linear Motors

Fast, double-guided linear motors. No maintenance, long service life
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